Healing Oak Registered Massage Therapy Chilliwack Abbotsford Langley

Easing Anxiety and Depression through Massage

Depression anxiety manage management registered massage therapy chilliwack abbotsford

The idea that massage can help with anxiety and depression is not new. But it’s also not widely known. So here’s a quick rundown on how and why massage can help.

Depression and anxiety are among the most common mental health issues Canadians face

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting over 300 million people worldwide. In fact, according to Statistics Canada, about 15% of Canadians will experience depression in their lifetime–and that’s just one type of mental illness!

Anxiety disorders affect 40 million American adults age 18 years or older, with about 6% experiencing severe impairment. Studies show that more than half of those who suffer from an anxiety disorder also experience depression at some point during their lives (and vice versa).

Massage therapy can be an effective treatment for both psychological issues.

Massage therapy can effectively treat psychological issues but is not a cure. If you’re suffering from depression or anxiety and are considering massage therapy as a complementary treatment option, it’s important to understand that massage is not meant to replace medication.

It’s also important to note that massage alone cannot treat these conditions–it should be used in conjunction with other therapies, such as talk therapy and exercise.

The most important thing to remember when considering massage as a treatment for depression or anxiety is that it can help you feel better. If you’re not getting the desired results from your current treatment plan, adding massage therapy to the mix could be just what you need. Massage therapy has been shown to have a wide range of benefits, including lowering blood pressure and relieving stress. It can also help ease pain and improve mood. Massage therapy is a common treatment for depression, anxiety and stress. It’s been shown to increase serotonin levels in the brain, which can help improve mood.

The benefits of massage therapy for depression and anxiety include improved mood, increased relaxation, lower stress levels, reduced pain and improved sleep quality.

Massage has been shown to help relieve pain and stress, improve mood and increase relaxation. Massage therapy is one of the most effective treatments for anxiety and depression.

It’s also been shown that massage can help you sleep better by reducing stress levels and improving your sleep quality. This means that if you’re struggling with sleeplessness due to a mental health condition such as anxiety or depression, then regular massages could be just what you need!

Massage therapy can help ease symptoms such as restlessness, irritability, fatigue and insomnia that often accompany depression and anxiety.

Massage therapy can help ease symptoms such as restlessness, irritability, fatigue and insomnia that often accompany depression and anxiety. Massage also helps to reduce stress by lowering levels of cortisol (a hormone produced by the adrenal glands) in your body. A relaxed person is able to think more clearly and concentrate better on tasks at hand.

Massage has been shown to improve sleep quality for people suffering from depression or anxiety disorders.

It does this by helping you relax before bedtime to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer without waking up frequently throughout the night because of discomfort caused by muscle tension or pain from injuries sustained during the day’s activities.”

In addition to improving sleep quality,” says Dr. Stephen Strausfeldt MD FACS who specializes in treating spinal disorders “massages can also decrease pain from injuries sustained during daily activities.”

Many people with depression or anxiety experience pain in their muscles and joints.

Many people with depression or anxiety experience pain in their muscles and joints. Massage can help reduce this pain by relaxing the muscles, which may relieve muscle tension and joint pain.

When you’re stressed out, it’s easy to forget about yourself, but self-care is essential for your physical and mental health. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately, consider booking an appointment with a massage therapist!

Massage therapy can help reduce stress and anxiety. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by life, it might be time to book a massage session!

Massage can also help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Massage therapy has been shown to be effective for both depression and anxiety, including postpartum depression. It’s important to note that massage isn’t a replacement for treatment with a mental health professional; rather, it can complement therapy by improving your mood while you’re working on other aspects of your mental health.

Using massage to decrease stress can help reduce chronic pain caused by stress, tension and anxiety.

Massage can help reduce stress and tension, which can majorly contribute to pain. Stress is known to cause muscle tension, so massage can help you relax your muscles. The benefits of massage go beyond relaxation; it also releases endorphins that make you feel good!

Massage is also a great way to get some exercise without realizing it! It’s proven that massage can improve circulation and increase blood flow, which helps your body move more easily. Massage can also reduce muscle tension and pain.

Massage can also have some physical benefits. It can help reduce stress and tension, which can majorly contribute to pain. Stress is known to cause muscle tension, so massage can help you relax your muscles.

The benefits of massage go beyond relaxation; it also releases endorphins that make you feel good! Massage is also a great way to get some exercise without realizing it! It’s proven that massage can improve circulation and increase blood flow, which helps your body move more easily.

Massage therapy requires trust between therapist and client which helps build a foundation for healing through touch.

Massage therapy can be a useful addition to your treatment plan if you suffer from depression or anxiety. As a form of physical therapy, massage requires trust between therapist and client that helps build a foundation for healing through touch.

Massage creates a safe space where you can express what’s going on in your body without judgment or shame, which is important because many people who experience mental health issues may feel embarrassed about how their bodies look or function due to the stigma surrounding mental illness.

Massage can be a helpful addition to your treatment plan if you suffer from depression or anxiety

Massage therapy can be a helpful addition to your treatment plan if you suffer from depression or anxiety. Massage can help:

  • Feel better
  • Sleep better
  • Relax
  • Manage pain, such as chronic back pain and muscle tension headaches (often caused by stress).

Massage is also effective in managing stress, often the root cause of depression and anxiety disorders. Massaging muscles helps them relax and release tension that may contribute to these conditions.


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