Healing Oak Registered Massage Therapy Chilliwack Abbotsford Langley

A Naturopathic Approach to Acne

Acne Pimples

Acne is a common skin condition that affects many people of all ages. It can be frustrating and even embarrassing, but the good news is that there are natural and holistic ways to manage it. One approach is the naturopathic approach, which focuses on treating the root cause of the issue rather than just the symptoms.

Naturopathic doctors believe that acne results from various internal and external factors, including hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, stress, and environmental factors. By identifying and addressing these underlying causes, naturopathic treatments can help to clear up acne and improve overall skin health.

One of the critical ways that naturopathic doctors treat acne is through diet and nutrition. They may recommend eliminating processed foods and increasing anti-inflammatory foods, such as leafy greens and omega-3 fatty acids, to reduce inflammation in the body. They may also recommend specific supplements and vitamins that help balance hormones and support healthy skin.

In addition to dietary changes, naturopathic doctors may also use herbal medicine to treat acne. They may recommend topical herbs, such as tea tree oil to help reduce inflammation and bacteria on the skin, or internal herbs, such as dandelion and milk thistle, to support liver function and detoxification.

Naturopathic doctors may also use homeopathy and other holistic therapies, such as acupuncture, to help balance hormones and improve overall health. They may also recommend lifestyle changes, such as stress management techniques, sleep hygiene, and regular exercise, to help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Overall, the naturopathic approach to acne is a gentle and effective way to manage this common skin condition. By addressing the root causes and supporting the body’s natural healing processes, naturopathic treatments can help to clear up acne and improve overall skin health. However, you may be interested in trying this approach. In that case, it is essential to work with a qualified naturopathic doctor to ensure that you get the best treatment for your needs.

Causes of Acne

The naturopathic approach to acne treatment focuses on identifying and addressing the condition’s underlying causes. For example, one of the most common causes of acne is hormonal imbalances. Hormones play a crucial role in regulating the skin’s oil production. When they become imbalanced, it can lead to increased oil production, clogged pores, and the growth of bacteria, all of which can contribute to the development of acne.

Naturopathic doctors use different methods to balance hormones and reduce the symptoms of acne. For example, they may recommend certain supplements, such as zinc and magnesium, that can help to regulate hormones and improve skin health. They may also recommend herbal remedies, such as saw palmetto and Dong Quai, which can help to balance hormones and reduce inflammation.

In addition to hormonal imbalances, acne can also be caused by digestive issues. When the gut is not functioning correctly, it can lead to inflammation and the growth of harmful bacteria, which can contribute to the development of acne. Therefore, naturopathic doctors may recommend dietary changes, such as eliminating processed foods and incorporating fermented foods and probiotics to improve gut health.

Another common cause of acne is stress. Stress can trigger the release of certain hormones, such as cortisol, which can lead to inflammation and the development of acne. Naturopathic doctors may recommend stress management techniques, such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing, to help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

Finally, environmental factors, such as pollution and sun exposure, can also contribute to the development of acne. Naturopathic doctors may recommend using gentle, natural skin care products and avoiding harsh chemicals and synthetic ingredients, which can irritate the skin and make acne worse.

In summary, the naturopathic approach to acne treatment focuses on identifying and addressing the condition’s underlying causes, including hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, stress, and environmental factors. Then, by combining dietary changes, herbal remedies, lifestyle modifications, and other natural therapies, naturopathic doctors can help improve overall health and reduce the symptoms of acne.

Naturopathic Treatments for Acne

A. Diet and Nutrition

gut health to help treat acne diet food

Regarding the naturopathic approach to treating acne, one of the most important focus areas is diet and nutrition. Naturopathic doctors believe that our foods can hugely impact our skin health. Therefore, they may recommend specific dietary changes to help improve acne symptoms.

One of the most important dietary changes that naturopathic doctors may recommend is eliminating processed foods. Processed foods are often high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and artificial ingredients, which can contribute to inflammation in the body and make acne worse. Instead, naturopathic doctors may recommend incorporating more whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, into the diet. These whole foods are packed with essential nutrients that support the body in many ways.

Another dietary change that may be recommended is increasing anti-inflammatory foods. Inflammation is a major contributor to acne, and foods such as leafy greens, berries, nuts, and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation in the body. These foods are delicious and have many benefits for our overall health.

Naturopathic doctors may also recommend taking certain supplements, such as omega-3 fish oil and vitamin A, which can help reduce inflammation and improve skin health. These supplements can be a great addition to your daily routine, especially if you cannot get all the necessary nutrients through your diet.

Overall, by making simple dietary changes and incorporating anti-inflammatory foods, supplements and other naturopathic treatments, you can improve your skin health, reduce inflammation and clear up your acne. It’s a win-win situation for your health and your self-esteem! And don’t worry; you don’t have to give up all your favourite foods; make sure to balance them with nutritious options.

B. Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine Chilliwack Naturopath Doctor Acupuncture TMJ treatment Holistic Skincare

Another way that naturopathic doctors can help to clear up acne is through the use of naturopathic medicine. Naturopathic medicine is a natural and holistic way to treat various health conditions, including acne. Naturopathic doctors may recommend topical and internal herbs to help reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and support overall health.

Topical herbs, such as tea tree oil, can be applied directly to the skin to help reduce inflammation and bacteria on the skin. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic used for centuries to help treat various skin conditions. For example, it can be used as a spot treatment for acne or added to a carrier oil for a full-face application.

Internal herbs, such as dandelion and milk thistle, can help to support liver function and detoxification. In addition, these herbs can help to remove toxins from the body, which can contribute to the development of acne. They can be consumed in the form of teas, capsules, or tinctures.

Dandelion is a great herb to help detoxify the liver and kidneys, and milk thistle is a powerful antioxidant that can help to protect the liver from damage and support its function.

Naturopathic medicine can also be used to balance hormones and reduce inflammation. For example, herbs such as saw palmetto and dong quai can help to balance hormones and reduce inflammation. Saw palmetto, in particular, is often used to help reduce symptoms of hormonal acne. Dong quai is another herb that helps to balance hormones and reduce inflammation.

Naturopathic medicine can be a gentle and effective way to treat acne. It’s a natural, holistic, non-invasive way to improve skin health. And the best part is that you can find many of these herbs in your local health food store, making it easy and convenient to incorporate them into your daily routine. But, of course, it is important to work with a qualified naturopathic doctor to ensure that you get the best treatment for your individual needs.

C. Homeopathy

homeopathy treat acne


Another aspect of the naturopathic approach to treating acne is homeopathy. Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. Naturopathic doctors may recommend specific homeopathic remedies to help reduce inflammation and improve skin health.

Homeopathy is based on the principle of “like cures like,” meaning that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat those symptoms in an ill person. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances, such as plants and minerals, and are highly diluted to minimize potential side effects.

Naturopathic doctors may recommend certain homeopathic remedies, such as belladonna and sulphur, to help reduce inflammation and improve skin health. Belladonna is a homeopathic remedy that can help to reduce redness and inflammation. At the same time, sulphur is a remedy that can help to improve skin health and reduce the severity of acne.

Homeopathy can be a gentle and effective way to treat acne. It works by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. Since the remedies are highly diluted, they are safe and do not have any side effects. It’s a gentle and non-invasive way to help improve your skin health.

In summary, homeopathy is an excellent way to support the body’s natural healing process. It can be used in conjunction with other naturopathic treatments such as diet and nutrition, herbal medicine and lifestyle changes to improve skin health and reduce the symptoms of acne. It’s a holistic and natural way to help improve your skin and overall well-being. If you’re interested in trying homeopathy, it’s best to work with a qualified naturopathic doctor to ensure that you get the best treatment for your needs.

D. Lifestyle Changes

Exercise treat acne lifestyle activity holistic

Naturopathic doctors not only focus on treating the physical symptoms of acne, but also on addressing lifestyle factors that can contribute to the development of the condition. One of the key lifestyle changes that naturopathic doctors may recommend is stress management. Stress can trigger the release of certain hormones, such as cortisol, which can lead to inflammation and the development of acne.

Naturopathic doctors may recommend stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing, to help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. These techniques can help to relax the body and mind, reducing the levels of stress hormones and allowing the body to focus on healing. Yoga and meditation can also improve circulation and oxygenation to the skin, which can improve skin health.

Another important aspect of lifestyle changes that naturopathic doctors may recommend is sleep hygiene. Getting enough quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, and it can also help to improve skin health.

Naturopathic doctors recommend maintaining a regular sleep schedule, avoiding screens before bedtime, and creating a relaxing sleep environment to help improve sleep quality.

Regular exercise is another important aspect of lifestyle changes that naturopathic doctors may recommend. Exercise can help to reduce stress, improve circulation, and promote overall health and well-being. Exercise can also boost the immune system, which can help to reduce the risk of developing acne.

In summary, the naturopathic approach to treating acne also includes addressing lifestyle factors that can contribute to the development of the condition. By incorporating stress management techniques, sleep hygiene and regular exercise, you can improve your overall well-being and reduce the symptoms of acne. These lifestyle changes can also improve your overall health and have a positive impact on your self-esteem.

E. Detoxification

sauna detoxification skin health reduce pimples

In addition to addressing underlying causes and using natural therapies, naturopathic doctors also focus on supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes.

Detoxification is the process of eliminating toxins from the body, and it is important for overall health and well-being. Toxins can accumulate in the body from various sources, such as the environment, food, and personal care products. This accumulation can contribute to the development of acne and other health issues.

Naturopathic doctors may recommend different detoxification methods to support the body’s natural detoxification processes. One of the most common methods is the use of an herbal cleanse. Herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion, and burdock root can help to support liver function and promote the elimination of toxins from the body.

Another method of detoxification is the use of sauna therapy. Sauna therapy can help to promote sweating, which can help to eliminate toxins through the skin. Sweating can also improve circulation, which can promote healthy skin.

Naturopathic doctors may also recommend foods that support detoxification, such as leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and citrus fruits. These foods are high in antioxidants and help to support liver function and promote the elimination of toxins from the body.

In addition to these methods, naturopathic doctors may also recommend other lifestyle changes, such as drinking enough water, reducing exposure to toxins, and regular exercise to support the body’s natural detoxification processes.

In summary, detoxification is an essential aspect of the naturopathic approach to treating acne and can help support the body’s natural healing processes. By incorporating herbal cleanses, sauna therapy, and a diet rich in detoxifying foods, you can support your body’s natural detoxification process and improve your overall health and well-being. It’s a natural way to help your body’s healing process, leading to clearer and healthier skin.

F. Hormonal Balancing

Probiotics hormonal balance to treat acne

Another key aspect of the naturopathic approach to treating acne is addressing gut health. Naturopathic doctors believe that poor gut health can contribute to the development of acne and other skin conditions.

When the gut is not functioning correctly, it can lead to inflammation and the growth of harmful bacteria, which can contribute to the development of acne.

Naturopathic doctors may recommend dietary changes to improve gut health. For example, they may recommend eliminating processed foods and increasing foods high in probiotics, such as fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut. These foods can help to improve the balance of good bacteria in the gut, which can help to reduce inflammation and improve skin health.

Naturopathic doctors may also recommend certain supplements, such as probiotics and enzymes, to help improve gut health. Probiotics can help to restore the balance of good bacteria in the gut. Enzymes can help to improve the digestion of food. Both of these supplements can help to reduce inflammation and improve overall health.

In addition to dietary changes, naturopathic doctors may also use herbal medicine to treat gut issues. For example, they may recommend herbs such as ginger, turmeric, and licorice root, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce gut inflammation.


In conclusion, the naturopathic approach to treating acne is a holistic and natural way to address this common skin condition. Naturopathic doctors focus on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of acne, such as diet and nutrition, hormonal imbalances, gut health, environmental factors, and more.

By using natural therapies, such as diet and nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, and other holistic therapies, naturopathic doctors can help to reduce inflammation, balance hormones, improve gut health, and support the body’s natural healing processes.

Naturopathic doctors may also recommend lifestyle changes, such as stress management techniques, sleep hygiene, and regular exercise, to help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. By addressing the root causes and supporting the body’s natural healing processes, naturopathic treatments can help to clear up acne and improve overall skin health.

It’s important to note that naturopathic treatments may vary from person to person, and it’s best to work with a qualified naturopathic doctor to ensure that you get the best treatment for your individual needs.

The naturopathic approach can be a gentle, non-invasive and effective way to improve your skin health, boost your self-esteem, and improve your overall well-being.

– The Healing Oak is a health & wellness clinic with a Chilliwack Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in holistic skincare, TMJ disorder treatment, and buccal massage.


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